Canada’s National Health and Fitness Day

Canada’s National Health and Fitness Day is a nationwide initiative that aims to promote physical activity and encourage Canadians to live healthier lifestyles. On the first Saturday of June each year, people across Canada are encouraged to take part in various fitness activities and events, including fitness classes, group workouts, outdoor activities, and sports. As an industry it is important to come together at this time to show their solidarity for creating a more physically active Canada. Established in 2014, National Health and Fitness Day is a testament to the vision of Senator Nancy Greene Raine and Senator Art Eggleton, who recognized the urgent need to combat sedentary lifestyles and rising obesity rates in Canada. Through their efforts, Bill S-211 received Royal Assent, marking the first Saturday in June as a day dedicated to promoting physical activity nationwide. Many local governments and organizations also take part in the event, hosting a variety of activities and events across the country.

Celebrate Canada’s National Health and Fitness Day on June 1st with the theme “Let’s Move Canada”! This special day serves as a rallying call for everyone in Canada to embrace the benefits of an active lifestyle. It’s more than just a date on the calendar; it’s an opportunity for us all to reflect, reconnect, and reignite our commitment to health and wellness.

We invite all our members and industry partners to join us in raising our collective voices to spread a message of hope, fitness, and health for the future of our country. As fitness professionals, we play a pivotal role in fostering the health and wellbeing of our family, friends and neighbours. On this day, let’s take a moment to reflect on the impact we make within our communities and reaffirm the importance of our role in healthcare.

Here are six simple steps to take action to bring attention to this important day to celebrate with your friends, family, clients, and colleagues while leveraging and elevating your business and brand!

1. OPEN your club to the public to welcome and help build community.

One of the most influential things we can do to propel our industry forward is to open our doors free to the public to demonstrate to all those in our community how inviting our fitness spaces are. Opening our club doors to the public helps reduce barriers to many who might normally be shy to come in on their own. ParticipACTION is launching its Community Challenge, encouraging communities to come together and get active. Additionally, canfitpro is rallying all its members to contribute their expertise and motivation to the cause.

2. Take a photo of your class, training session and post on social media.

Help promote National Health and Fitness Day by sharing the magic from your studio or having fun with your fitness family wherever you train together. Post a selfie or photo of you and your fitness friends to spread the energy of your community with the world.

Don’t forget to use hashtags #LetsMoveCanada #canfitpro

Not sure what to post or where to get started? Check out the resources developed by the National Health & Fitness Day Association!

3. Take you training outdoors

Your impact doesn’t have to stay within the four walls of your studio. Why not get outdoors? Getting outdoors and moving are two great ways to boost your mental health and physical energy. It’s a great way to create variety for yourself and your clients, and it can be a great way to get the attention of others in your community. Set up on your street, in your neighborhood, in a parking lot to make your fitness offering more available and accessible and get more people active.

4. Make a CIRCUIT and Share on Social

Fit pros understand the joy of movement. What better way to spread our passion and energy than by sharing our favourite moves? Be an influencer and share your passion in a creative way using this this template to build a quick and easy circuit.

Our Chief Operating Officer, Mo Hagan, has devised an engaging National Health and Fitness Day MO’vement Challenge designed to be accessible to all. Whether you’re a fitness instructor, personal trainer, or enthusiast, you can participate in this 20-minute challenge anywhere – be it at the gym, in a park, on your street, or even in the comfort of your own living room.

The challenge consists of four moves, repeated four times, focusing on mobility, strength, cardio, and core. Mo has provided an introductory video to guide you through the circuit, along with four instructional videos demonstrating each move. All you need to bring is your motivation, and you’re ready to embark on this fun and functional fitness journey! Get creative and share a social post or Instagram Reel!

Move #1 – MOBILITY- Lateral Hip Swing

Move #2 – STRENGTH – Lateral Triple Step or Run

Move #3 – CARDIO – Multi-directional Lunge with a Twist

Move #4 – CORE – Inchworm Plank

Remember to use hashtags #LetsMoveCanada #canfitpro. We would love to see your moves and repost!

5. Reach out to One Person you know who needs your Motivation

National Health and Fitness Day is the perfect opportunity to motivate someone you know to become more active and invite them to join you on June 1 to get moving. Who is that someone who would benefit from hearing this message? How about inviting them to go for a walk or do some kind of fitness activity? Imagine if every canfitpro certified member reached out to one individual urging them to move just 10-30 minutes on this day. That would be over 20,000 Canadians we would be influencing and potentially changing their lives.

6. Keep the Momentum Going!

As fit pros, we know one workout is not the key to long-term fitness results. Reaching your goals and maintaining your health and fitness takes passion, persistence, and perseverance. Perhaps that is why in this year’s canfitpro Health & Fitness Trends Report, you told us you thought Upskilling deserved a place in the Top 10 Trends. Upskilling includes continuing education, lifelong learning, research, self-study, and training to support your personal and professional development. For professional development, attending conferences is key, and the canfitpro Global Conference and Trade Show is the premier fitness event in Canada. Invite your community to join you as fellow fitness enthusiasts. One of the best ways to get inspired to act is to come see the best in action. This event is not limited to canfitpro members; it is open to the whole community.

Let’s make June 1st a day to remember as we come together to celebrate health, fitness, and the vitality of our nation. Join us in embracing the spirit of “Let’s Move Canada” and making every step count towards a healthier, happier future for all.