The Strength of Simplicity

If we ever needed a jolt to remind us about the connection between health and fitness we got it in the pandemic. For years and years, only a small % of people prioritized health and fitness, or daily movement as part of caring for themselves. We know the stats right?  According to Participaction only 16%…

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An At-Home Workout That Doesn’t Suck – Greco Method At-Home

Greco Method At-Home

People often ask us what the Greco experience is about. Greco members come to our studios for personalized training, accountability & results. Plain and simple. Before the lockdowns, our members trained with us in-studio 4-6 times per week, the Greco Method addiction, a healthy one at that. When all of our studios were mandated to…

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The State of Fitness in 2021

The State of Fitness in 2021

Put your learning into action! There’s an optional CEC Quiz available for purchase to assess the knowledge you gained from this blog post. You’ll earn 1.0 CEC for all the certifications you hold upon successful completion of the Quiz (PTS, HWL, FIS). Login to your member portal. Click ‘Get Education’ and ‘CEC Quizzes’ to purchase. Need help navigating your member portal? Watch…

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Business Spotlight: onlythestrong

Personal Trainer

WHAT TYPE OF BUSINESS ARE YOU IN? onlythestrong is a Personal Training & Fitness Education organization with two locations in Toronto and Etobicoke. TELL US ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? The common saying ‘only the strong’ is generally understood as a reference to physical strength. This could not be further from the truth in our business. We…

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How To Motivate and Inspire Others When You Feel Stuck?

How To Motivate and Inspire Others When You Feel Stuck?

The global pandemic bombarded the fitness industry with bad news after bad news. It is expected that your brain gets in what I call prefrontal cortex overload. Fear is taking over. How are you supposed to motivate and inspire others when you personally feel stuck? Do you feel like powerful emotions are having the best…

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Email Marketing 101: Increase Your Business With Emails (Part 2)

In part 1 of our email marketing series, we went over the basic understanding of an email as well as the types of emails you can send. Read Part 1 of our Email Marketing 101 series. In part 2, we’ll conclude by telling you about the best times to send emails, what key metrics to look…

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Staying Motivated and Inspired in the Now Normal

pound 2021

When ‘social’ distancing becomes an ever growing term not only in our everyday lives but the ways in which we lead group fitness classes, it can be easy to lose momentum and motivation, or just not feel inspired. As humans, we crave human connection, we want to feel a sense of belonging. As group fitness…

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Build It and They Will Come

Build It and They Will Come

BY JEFF TIESSEN, PARASPORT® ONTARIO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND 3-TIME PARALYMPIAN First, who are “they”? Well, in this case “they” are potential clients with disabilities for your fitness facility. Build “what” you might be quizzing next? Well, that depends. It could be one of two things, or both. Both would be best actually… particularly if we’re…

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Email Marketing 101: Increase your business with emails (Part 1)

Increase your business with emails

Running a fitness business takes a lot of work – whether you’re a boutique gym owner or train clients online. Digital marketing is a great way to help your business thrive, get new customers, build connections and inspire your current and potential customers. Specifically, one of the best (and low-cost) ways to reach your audience…

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Positive Stories: Ubivore Sisters

ubivore sisters photo

Running a business takes guts and a whole lot of risk to step out into the unknown and create something new. There are always new obstacles to overcome, unforeseen risks to conquer and anxiety that has to be pushed aside if you want to see change. Fortunately, the bigger picture – our why – has…

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