New reality, new challenges

BY DANIEL SAMA Wednesday June 17th, 2020. 10:30 AM. Our eyes are glued to our television screens.  After 94 days of our gyms being shut down, the government is finally going to announce our reopening. We are finally going to get confirmation of the protocols that will need to be followed. Our questions will be…

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Les gyms de qualité à bas prix : Apprentissages en temps de crise

Les gyms de qualité à bas prix : Apprentissages en temps de crise

Nous commencions notre réunion de gestion mensuelle en ce matin du jeudi 12 mars 2020 sans savoir que notre entreprise cesserait temporairement ses opérations trois jours plus tard. Un nouveau sujet était sur les lèvres du comité de gestion : étant donnée l\’évolution de la pandémie mondiale de Covid-19, quel est notre plan de contingence et quelles…

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canfitpro 2020 Virtual Series: August

canfitpro 2020 Virtual Series: August

We hope you enjoyed the first-ever canfitpro 2020 Virtual Series. Thank you for making our August event a success! We couldn’t have done it without your endless support and we hope your experience with us was positive and successful. Please remember to check your email to fill out a post-event survey to help increase their…

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The business of fitness — why studios and gyms need your help

why studios and gyms need your help

Pretty early into quarantine, I saw this article on Medium about how restaurants in 2020 are screwed and said to myself “yep — sounds familiar”. Because I own two boutique fitness studios in Calgary, Alberta, and like restaurants, my businesses were designed to prioritize community, connection, socialization, and closeness — which are now prohibited by our government.…

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Ability and Beyond

Ability and Beyond

BY JEFF TIESSEN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, PARASPORT ONTARIO Disability knows no prejudice. It does not discriminate by demographic… by race, religion, socio-economic status or gender. It does however, categorize by ability and appearance, not only within our general society but even within the disability community itself. Preconceived notions of inability and misguided attitudes are monumental barriers…

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Be an Online Group Fitness STAR – Webinar Resources and Top Tips

woman dancing at home

CANFITPRO PRO TRAINER PANELISTS INCLUDE: Assata McKenzie (IG: @satalata_fitness & FB: Assata McKenzie) Beth Oldfield (FB: Beth Oldfield – Fitness Protrainer & IG:  @betholdfield_protrainercanfit) Dawna Mensah (IG:  @dawnamensah & FB: Dawna Mensah) Sabrina Gabrielli (IG: @ kickstartsab) ZOOM CLASSES: Click here for Sharing Music on Zoom Instructions. Or, Click here to see a video tutorial on how to…

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Beyond the Crisis and Chaos: Quebec’s New Coalition

gym photo

Having had the honor of representing Fitness Industry Council of Canada’s Quebec Coalition of fitness clubs and studios through the COVID-19 crisis, here are a few remarkable insights gathered as we worked towards the reopening date of June 22nd. COALITION = COLLABORATION Close to 200 locations joined our Coalition to create a common voice to…

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The GoodLife Standard: Our Commitment to Health And Safety

woman working out at goodlife

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things – it has changed the way we work, how we socialize, who we can see, and where we can go. From restaurants to retailers, hospitals to schools, and parks to gyms, everyone has had to find new ways to take care of their employees, their customers and the…

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Creating an Online Personality: Build Your Brand Through Thought Leadership

Creating an Online Personality: Build Your Brand Through Thought Leadership

As personal trainers, we begin our business with the intention of helping others reach their health and wellness goals. We educate ourselves on the fundamentals of both nutrition and fitness that contribute to a well-developed plan for our clients.  We work and connect with each individual to ensure that they navigate the change and transformation…

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canfitpro Healthy Club and Studio: A Smart Checklist for Success

canfitpro Healthy Club and Studio: A Smart Checklist for Success

Our Mission is to provide SMART guidance to Fitness Clubs and Studios reopening to members. Note: The following are recommendations to be used as guidance, and in no means are intended to be enforced by canfitpro on any of the clubs/studios across Canada. S – Safe and sanitizedM – Member-centricA – Associate-supportedR – Return to service in aT – Timely and trusted manner STAFF MANAGEMENT…

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