Soul Fitness: Creating a Community Within Your Community

Soul Fitness

As a small business, we’ve all been faced with the biggest, most unexpected challenge we could have ever imagined; and the reality is, that only one month could be devastating.  I still have to pay rent, put memberships on hold, and I realize that everything I’ve worked so hard for in over 5 years could…

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Make sure your Group Fitness offering is THAT GOOD!

Personal Trainer with client

COVID-19 has changed the landscape dramatically. Group experiences are being scrutinized more than ever. Consumers will be very selective where they “congregate” in groups. They will only gravitate for the best experiences. That is the NEW reality. We think about the group gatherings carefully before proceeding. That has a big impact on how we think…

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Thrive Online With These Fundamentals

Thrive Online With These Fundamentals

The world has been turned upside down by the global pandemic and this includes your role as a fitness professional.  As you navigate your way into the ‘new normal’ you’re likely wondering: how do I transition my in-person services to an online offering? With today’s technology, as fitness professionals, you can literally train clients, from anywhere, at anytime. This may be the first time you are working…

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Music for Online Workouts and Classes

Music for Online Workouts and Classes

CANFITPRO PARTNERS WITH LEADING MUSIC COMPANIES TO BRING YOU ROYALTY-FREE MUSIC FOR FREE As fitness professionals, music is essential to our way of life. We know that killer beats and favourite jams can have performance-boosting effects, can motivate, inspire; and can save our sanity during a gruelling workout. So we purchase and consume music at…

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Level Up With These Discounts From Our Partners

a group of people doing Plank

Are you wondering what to do with all your time at home, or maybe you need a break from the computer? Here’s your chance to take advantage of the opportunity to Level-Up! canfitpro wants to help and has partnered with some of the best Education Providers in Fitness to offer FREE webinars, resources, and uniquely…

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Hosting Virtual Workouts 101: Connect with Your Clients And Members

man stretching right arm while sitting on the floor

During this unprecedented time, the world of Group Fitness and Personal Training is changing overnight. We know you want to make it simple for your clients and members to stay motivated, accountable and connected to reach their goals. So how can you do that? Go virtual! Lead a class or host a personal training session…

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Grow Your Business With Technology

Grow Your Business With Technology

BY NATHALIE PLAMONDON-THOMAS, 8 TIMES INTERNATIONAL NO.1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR & TRANSFORMATION EXPERT Even before the unprecedented times we live in with the global pandemic, a vast majority of industries were shifting their focus to offer online options and use technology to expand their reach. Now, full disclaimer: I am a brain specialist and transformation expert.…

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Planning For Your Business’ Future: The Opportunity in Kids Fitness

The Opportunity in Kids Fitness

With the recent measures taken by governments worldwide in light of COVID-19, society has been forced to drastically change its behaviours in a relatively short amount of time. This includes how and where people exercise. Boutique studios, gyms and fitness chains alike have all been forced to consider and explore virtual exercise classes. Whether you…

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How to Be an Effective Fitness Coach

How to Be an Effective Fitness Coach

SO YOU WANNA BE A FITNESS COACH… Great choice! But do you know what a fitness coach does and how it’s different from a personal trainer? If you answered no, it’s ok! Here are the basics. A personal trainer follows one client closely, throughout their entire workout session from warm-up to cool down. They tell…

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woman doing workout with personal training

It’s easy to start a personal training business, but are you really putting yourself and the business out there? Are you fighting for every client? Rebecca Gray has built her business from scratch and is sharing the lessons she’s learned along the way. Personal training CAN be your primary job! Go get it! canfitpro ·…

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