Jungshin Fitness Sword Workout – Now More Than Ever!

Jungshin Fitness

Calling all modern warriors! The Coronavirus pandemic is a natural disaster on a global scale–but it is taking a personal toll on each of us. During this stressful time, it is critically important that we find ways to keep our bodies moving. Jungshin Fitness will improve your mental, emotional and physical health so you can…

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Discover everything you need to know about data & AI

Person working out with VR set

“Data. It’s never been seen as the sexiest of topics, but all that is changing – and fast,” says Keepme’s Ian Mullane in his latest white paper, Everything You Need to Know About Data & AI. “The challenge is this. For so long a back-room discipline, across all levels of an organisation most people’s understanding of…

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SoulBody: Elevating Group Fitness

SoulBody Fitness

Are you ready to elevate your group fitness schedule? Jump into SoulBody Fitness! SoulBody Fitness (SBF) was co-founded by Stacey Seward Vandiver, who’s passion was to bring an exclusive “boutique” style experience to the group fitness setting of larger facilities. With her experience and love for the community of working out together, the understanding of…

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5 Ways to Effectively Welcome Consumers Back In-Person with Less Staff


While the pandemic certainly tested the fitness industry, Mindbody’s recent survey data revealed much-needed good news. Consumers are coming out of lockdown more ready than ever to focus on their wellness with 64% of consumers surveyed saying the pandemic has caused them to re-evaluate their priorities around health and wellness. Further, 65% realized the importance…

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Fitness Business Spotlight: Rose Buddha

Rose Buddha - B2B

1. What type of business are you? Rose Buddha is a sustainable athleisure wear and accessories brand, that uses recycled materials and natural & organic fibers. Every product is handmade with joy in Canada. Our mission? Give you an option in order to significantly reduce fashion industry’s carbon footprint. We want to change how things…

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Dennis Perkins - Werk Dat

What’s your name? Dennis Perkins IV What is your country of birth? United States Share details about your cultural background I would describe myself as African American or Black. How would you describe your childhood/how you grew up? I loved my childhood. I had a stable two-parent family home. Both of my grandparents lived about…

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Matrix Ride Brings Unique Perspective to Group Cycling and Technology

Matrix Training Cycle 2 - Featured Image

As facilities re-open, the focus on attracting paying customers back takes on a new priority. As usual, group cycling will assume its position as one of the ways to accomplish this goal.  Refreshing group cycling or launching a new program has taken on a new perspective with the growth of what’s being a performance metric…

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A personalized experience for every customer? Here’s how you do it

Personal Training - Ian Mullane

In a world where personalization is a key agenda point for every consumer-facing business, physical fitness venues have a problem: when it comes to their product, they are currently capable of little customization, instead of relying on brand messaging and aspirational imagery to differentiate and connect to people’s goals. This is in the face of…

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A New Era Begins and You Can Lead It

MedFit July 2021

The advent of COVID has really impacted the fitness industry and caused many of us to come up with creative ways to keep earning a living doing what we love by going online with virtual classes, training & coaching the past year. This has certainly created an awakening on the importance of health & wellness. …

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Voting with Your Dollar: Top 5 reasons to choose Rose Buddha

It’s no secret that second to oil, fashion is the most pollutive industry in the world. Many of our current sustainability and environmental problems can be linked straight back to fast fashion. In 2017, the Global Fashion Agenda declared that if the industry failed to change, fashion’s impact on the climate would increase by 49%…

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