Developing Your EQ: Body Language

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By Judith Humphrey I once coached a young financial executive who was tall and attractive with a warm, engaging manner.  I assumed that he would come across with executive presence when he spoke to prospective investors. But, at our first coaching session I asked him to pretend he was talking to potential clients, and suddenly…

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Imagining a Society Where Physicians Write Prescriptions for Physical Activity


To date, there is an epidemic of physical inactivity within the Canadian population where apparently healthy, low risk, sedentary individuals are not meeting the recommended Health Canada recommendations levels of physical activity. On average, 90 percent of Canadians are inactive (in that they are not meeting the minimum of 150 minutes of physical activity per…

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Fight Back Against Aging With Strength Training

Fight Back Against Aging With Strength Training

By Nick Rizzo Canada’s population has been steadily aging. As of 2014, seniors were making up 15.6% of the population (approximately 6 million). By 2030, estimates expect that number to rise significantly to over 9.5 million seniors that account for more than 23% of Canadians. With life expectancy increasing and the baby boomers still entering…

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Get Over Your Fears of Being the Newbie at the Gym

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By Leah Staff, PTS The gym can be a scary place, until you feel like you belong. When joining or rejoining a gym, it can raise intimidation that make us fearful of being judged, left out, conspicuous or other feelings of simply not fitting in. Let’s look at it a different way to see that…

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Developing Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

By Judith Humphrey During the 30 years that I was building my company, I became increasingly tired and stressed. There were plenty of gyms near me, but I regarded them as sweat factories where people rode bikes that went nowhere. It was only after I sold my company that I made a dramatic discovery: signing up…

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Exercise for Anxiety and Depression

Exercise for Anxiety and Depression

By Igor Klibanov You’re a personal trainer, and you work with clients who have mental health issues (be it anxiety, depression, or something else). You know they’ve gotten better over time, thanks to exercise, but what’s the best form of exercise for different mental health issues, and how does it work? That’s what we’ll talk…

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It’s All About You!

It’s All About You!

By Leah Staff, BA Psychology, Speech Communication Minor, PTS Stop! Don’t cancel that appointment with your trainer! Didn’t complete your workouts this week? Your nutrition intake was more than a shade off target? You might be tempted to cancel your session because you are too embarrassed to face your trainer but hang on a minute.…

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Meet our Members: Gail Brooks

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At the young age of 49, Gail Brooks began training for Ironman races and achieved her dream goal of becoming an Ironman at 52.  Gail’s desire to continue goal setting, achieving one’s dreams and living life to the fullest has helped her on her impressive journey as a ‘senior’ triathlete, having started the sport later…

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Meet our Members: Joseph Fireman

Joseph Fireman

Joseph Fireman, aka Joey, is a native Cree from the community of Chisasibi, Quebec and the owner/trainer of SOOK Training. Joseph opened SOOK Training in 2009 to inspire others in the Cree Nation to achieve success in their health by getting active. Joseph has had many set backs including alcoholism (sober since 2000), severe illness,…

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