A Possible New Treatment for Diabetes

A Possible New Treatment for Diabetes

By Eddie Fatakhov  M.D. A study released out of a British Columbia research lab in Canada provided a new possible treatment for one of the most rampant diseases in the world. The study found that manipulation of a specific protein within fat cells may not only prevent the development of, but also reverse type 2 diabetes.…

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Understanding GMOs: No hype just the basics

Holding leaf

By Carol Harrison, RD Genetically modified foods (GMOs) have become a real hot-button topic for consumers; but we’re all so busy, it can be hard for us and our clients to find the time to even get the basic information under our belts. As a dietitian, I’ve had to research this topic because long gone…

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Is It Too Late for a Summer Body?


By Fyonna Vanderwerf, B.A, B.Sc, canfitpro PRO TRAINER With 1,440 minutes every day until that first week of September, it’s never too late to get in shape and create some really great habits to keep as we move through 2019. What is the biggest barrier? I can tell you right now, it’s the space between…

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Why Train Mental Toughness?

Why Train Mental Toughness

By Jeff Melis Most health and fitness professionals spend countless hours devoted to mastering and training the physical body.  They plan their workouts for the week, carefully noting how many sets and reps they are going to perform, and what exercises are going to lead to peak results.  But when is the last time you…

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How Overuse Injuries Can Derail Your Fitness

overuse derail fitness

By Jamie Logie, PTS, NWS Your training is going great. You’re getting stronger, fitter, losing weight and seeing results. And then … Bam! You get injured. Nothing derails progress more than an injury. It stops any pursuit of fitness in its tracks and leaves you stuck to deal with it. If you’re not able to…

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Fuel Up for Fun

Thirsty Boy Drinking Water Outdoors

By Carol Harrison, RD Summer is here, and fueling up sporty kids to help them feel and perform their best is now easier with this resource: Fuel up for Fun. Designed for parents and coaches of kids 6 to 15 years of age, this resource fills a gap I noticed while raising my three sporty…

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Meet Our Members: Mike Goertz

Mike Goertz

Mike Goertz has been a long standing volunteer in the fitness center at Hutton House; his dedication to the program and the people that participate in it is inspirational.  Recently, Mike went through to be a certified canfitpro Personal Training Specialist and was successful! One of his goals is to work with the older adult…

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A History of canfitpro: A Continued Glory

A Continued Glory

By Mo Hagan By the early 1990s, there was an increasingly growing demand for quality group fitness instructors (back then called “Aerobics Instructor”), and at the same time personal training was just emerging onto the scene. Like other conference organizations within the global fitness industry, our passion for moving the industry forward was fearlessly high,…

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Kyphosis: Is it a Thoracic or Pelvic Problem?


By Chuck Wolf The client/patient presents with the familiar rounded shoulders, posterior pelvic tilt, and head forward posture. All we want to do is place our knee between their scapula, grab their shoulders and pull them back…and say, “There, now stand up straight!” This scene is all too common and, historically, the fitness professional has…

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Brain Surgery: How I Survived my Emotional Journey

brain surgery

“I survived brain surgery” was my first thought when I woke up in the post-op recovery room.  The decision to have a brain surgery biopsy came with major mental anguish and a long 19 month medical scare turned into a nightmare.  Strong mental mindset was critical to walking into the hospital the morning of my brain…

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