Resolution: Make 2019 Your Healthy Brain Year

Resolution: Make 2019 Your Healthy Brain Year

By Eddie Fatakhov M.D. Before 2018 is firmly in the rear-view mirror, most people around the world will participate in the honoured tradition of defining their New Year’s resolutions. While there are many intentions that might be spoken but not kept, there is one that is well worth the effort. If you follow through on…

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Happier, Healthier Holi-DAYS!

Happy snow men

By Tricia Silverman The holiday count down is on! To stay happier and healthier this season, treat holi-days as days, don’t turn them into holi-weeks or holi-months! The following tips will help keep you and your clients feeling like sprightly elves, rather than melting snowmen and women, as the New Year approaches. Have a game…

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Go Ahead, Spoil Your Dinner!

Dinner Time

By Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas, FIS, PTS You may have heard this before. “Don’t eat before a meal; you will spoil your dinner”. My tip for the holiday season is exactly that: Spoil your dinner. Yes. Do it. The key is to slowly change the limiting belief that you need a certain amount of food in order…

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MEET OUR MEMBERS: Jennifer O’Neill

meet our members square

Why did you choose canfitpro? It was recommended by an employer. I also liked how nationally recognized it was as a certification. What is your “why”. Why have you chosen this profession? When I was little I loved sports. I begged my parents to register me for multiple sports and tried out for teams at…

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Post Summer Blues? 5 Ways to Boost Your Mood This Fall

Girls with dog

By Dr. Sanam Hafeez, Neuropsychologist For many people, the end of summertime means back to school and back to the grind. Companies launch into their 4th quarter which means the summer slack off season is done and it’s time to get serious as we close out the end of the year. Between the dip in temperatures,…

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Meet our Members: Krista Mayer

Meet our Members

Why did you choose canfitpro? I chose canfitpro because I knew it was a recognized program for fitness leaders in the industry and I was able to take the courses I needed that was close to my home. What is your “why”. Why have you chosen this profession? I’ve never been good at anything. I’ve…

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Gym Etiquette

Group of people running on treadmills

8 do’s and don’ts to make the gym a more enjoyable place for everyone By Claudiu Popa, PTS, OAS If going to the gym feels a lot like the awkward club scene of your late teens, you’re not alone. According to a recent Ipsos study, 40% of Canadians feel intimidated by the gym. The most…

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Healthy Hydrating: Drinking Container Hygiene

Female runner tying her shoe next to bottle of water.

By Assata McKenzie I once had a client that complained about drinking water. Let’s call her Elle. Elle said she really didn’t enjoy drinking water during or even after our workout sessions because she didn’t like the taste. She explained that she didn’t feel refreshed after consuming water and she hated the smell of her…

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Top Tips From an International Fitness Superstar

Yoga Class

Mo’s Tips: TEAM:Together We Achieve More! Working out in a group makes exercise more enjoyable. You can meet new friends who will cheer you on to your goals and keep you accountable to achieve them! I even met my husband through group fitness! Group fitness classes often have a lot of variety, so you can find a class…

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