The Strike Sugar Challenge


By Tosca Reno Since I first launched the Strike Sugar® Challenge, hundreds of thousands have found their way to feeling fabulous again by ridding themselves of their addiction for sugar.And make no mistake, the love for sugar is an addiction! At World Fitness Expo this year, I will be presenting the full story about how to Strike…

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Seated Mindful Meditation

man doing yoga and sitting in lotus position at home in bedroom

Find a relaxed, comfortable position in your chair.Keep your back upright, but not too tight. Hands resting wherever they’re comfortable. Tongue on the roof of your mouth or wherever it’s comfortable. Notice and relax your body. Let yourself relax.Notice the sensations it experiences, the touch, the connection with the floor or the chair. Relax any…

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Run Your Way to Wellness

Run Your Way to Wellness

Imagine your heart pounding, feet treading against the pavement, wind blowing through your hair, the feeling of accomplishment as you cross the finish line! Running is an exhilarating way to exercise! Along with improving your heart health and managing your weight, running connects us with nature, calming the nervous system. Release stress, clear your head,…

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Re-vamp Your Well-being

Finding the Great in the Not So Great Days

By Tanya Otterstein-Liehs In today’s ever-increasing digital age and demands, stress levels are on an astronomical rise, while our mindset and well-being on are a staggering decline. Although eating healthier and exercise are well-merited actions to decreasing your stress levels, improving your self-worth, self-love and self-confidence, body and mind connections, being in the moment, and…

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Managing Stress

Managing Stress

In all things in life there are ups and downs, highs and lows. We all experience daily stressors from our careers, relationships, finances, health, or in some cases, a sudden chronic incident like the death of a loved one. The key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not to strive to eliminate these stressors, but…

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How to Make Running Part of Your Life

Male athlete workout on running exercise machine

Running is a great form of exercise for burning calories, cardio endurance, and enjoying the outdoors. Here are some tips to make running a part of your life and your training routine: Training – decide on the best training program for you. If you want to join an organized group check out what is available in…

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Five Reasons You Should Join Group Exercise Classes

Group Exercise Classes

Need that extra push to join a group exercise class? Here are five reasons why you should start participating in action-packed classes filled with warm smiles, great tunes, and an inspirational instructor! Strengthen your heart and lungs Cardiovascular exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues, helping the overall circulation of blood through your heart…

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Five Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Personal Trainer

Training With A Personal Trainer

Personal trainers are caring and come from all different backgrounds of experience. Some might specialize in fitness goals such as weight loss or injury rehabilitation. Personal trainers are adaptable and will utilize their network of fitness and health experts to ensure you get the results you are looking for. Most personal trainers will offer a…

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A Spring Clean for Your Workout

Outdoor Exercise

By Claudiu Popa, PTS, OAS Seasonal changes bring with them the opportunity for different exercises and exciting new sets of activities. Whether you’re approaching an exercise plateau or are just about done with a particular workout plan, a seasonal transition is an opportunity to celebrate new routines and revisit old favorites, whether they are particular…

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Meet our Members: Trish Adams

Trish Adams

Why did you choose canfitpro? In order to certify as a fitness professional being recognized across Canada What is your “why”. Why have you chosen this profession? I am an older adult with a professional dance background. In order to keep fit I started group training classes at which time I realized I could help…

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