The Deeper Meaning Behind Self-Care

Finding Balance with Rest and Recovery

By Rev. Paul Galloro, C-IAYT, Yoga Therapist, Divine Wellness Coach In our every waking moment we have a choice – to plug into Love or to plug into fear. What we choose defines our experience of the moment, which ultimately defines the trajectory of our lives. When we fail to consciously choose Love, we by…

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Taking Care of our Shoulders in Chaturanga

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If you’ve been to a Vinyasa (flowing) style Yoga class, then chances are you’ve been put through the ringer on countless chaturanga flows between postures and really throughout the majority of the class. Chaturanga or Crocodile Pose is essentially a flow through a tricep push-up. With that in mind, alignment of the shoulder joint must…

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Swimming 101

Finding the Great in the Not So Great Days

By Iulia Soerensen, BSC KIN., PTS, FIS, OAS, WaterART All individuals, regardless of age, benefit from swimming, and may continue engaging in the activity for a lifetime. Furthermore, swimming is a sport for all age groups, regardless of skill and fitness level. As an added bonus, swimming is a very pleasant way to cool down…

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Do you question the period?

A Shift in Perspective

I’d like to invite you to explore what I have come to discover is a missing component of health and fitness. I’m talking specifically about women and menstruation. Right away some of you might think “Oh man I don’t want to hear about this” or “eww… gross”, and yet I know there are others who…

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Sometimes the Best Advice is What Not to Do


By Claudiu Popa, PTS, OAS Every fitness professional takes pride in fine tuning expert advice and making to-do lists for discerning clients to follow in a bid to improve, as effectively as possible. From exercise techniques to nutritional strategies, Personal Trainers are valued, trusted advisors whose continued success rests on their ability to deliver that…

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Should you become a life coach?

Should you become a life coach?

As a fitness professional, you probably got into the industry because you love health and fitness and also love helping people change their lives. If you took the fitness instructor specialist route, you know how awesome an experience that is; delivering typically high-energy fitness to dozens of people at a time. If you took the…

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Riding the Age Wave

old people workout

By Lauren Walker Seniors are more healthy and active then ever before. The distinct shift of the tide is evident. The 2016 Canadian Census showed 5.9 million Canadian seniors vs. 5.8 million Canadians fourteen and under. What does this mean for us in the exercise profession? A shift in the market means a shift in…

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Results Matter

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By Mark Campbell, canfitpro PRO TRAINER Before a session even begins, a good trainer will perform a client consultation. The client consultation is vitally important because you can’t provide results if you don’t know what they truly desire. As a result, I begin every consultation by determining what the client wants with some simple questions.…

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By Mark Campbell After my previous article about referrals, ‘Results Matter’, I’m excited to talk renewals, as it is one of my favourite topics. Results that are achieved on multi dimensional levels, allows a client to experience a greater sense of accomplishment. When they like what they are doing, they are learning that even if…

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Reclaim Your New Year’s Resolutions


By Dave Smith, Fitness and Weight Loss Coach, canfitpro 2013 Fitness Professional of the Year Don’t worry. It’s not just you. Every year, millions of people around the world resolve that this will be the year they finally get in great shape. January begins with high expectations and lots of energy to succeed. Then February…

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