How to Develop a Dedicated Wellness Practice

Finding Balance with Rest and Recovery

As I begin this piece I want to make it clear that everyone is challenged from time to time with keeping up a personal practice. Even your favourite zen yoga teachers! Life gets in the way, our priorities can change very quickly surrounding our family or jobs or winter, or summer for that matter. However,…

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Having Bad Sex or No Sex? – What’s Missing?

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Written by: Sexologist, Dr. Stephen de Wit DHS, MPH, ACSTherapist – Consultant – Speaker So here we are at the end of February the month of love, laughter and hopefully great sex…………. and for many of us there was something missing in the sex department. So what can you do? As a sexologist and a sex…

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Go with the Flow


By Lisa Greenbaum E-RYT 500, C-IAYT, YACEP The ability to go with the flow is a required attribute these days. Life happens so quickly around us that getting stuck behind resistance or conflict can easily cause road blocks to our overall emotional health. However, the ability to go with the flow is a practice. We…

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Galloway’s Method: Run Injury-Free and Improve Until You’re 100

Run Injury-Free and Improve Until You’re 100

By Olympian Jeff Galloway Running turns on brain circuits better than other activities: better attitude, more energy, personal empowerment, better mental activity, etc. So those who train for and finish an event make many positive changes in body, mind and spirit—and want to continue. With the right plan, most runners can continue to enjoy the…

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Canadian fitness industry leader, canfitpro reveals top trends expected in the coming year based on results from its annual survey of fitness professionals [Toronto—ON] December 5, 2017 — The results are in…the ability to move optimally for everyday life is more important than ever to Canadians. Functional Fitness — training our muscles to work together by simulating daily…

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Five Everyday Practices to Keep Your Client’s Back Healthy

Five Everyday Practices to Keep Your Client’s Back Healthy

Five Everyday Practices to Keep Your Client’s Back Healthy Back pain is common in our society, and perhaps for some, even expected. If you have experienced back pain, you know it can wreak havoc on everyday activities making everything more difficult. So how do you “back proof” your life to either proactively minimize the risk…

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Finding the Great in the Not So Great Days

Finding the Great in the Not So Great Days

We have all had those mornings. The alarm didn’t go off and so we woke up later than planned, our stomach is not loving something we ate, we are still mad at our partner from the disagreement we had last week, and our body is thrashed from the extra class or training we did yesterday.…

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Finding Balance with Rest and Recovery

Finding Balance with Rest and Recovery

By Vu Nguyen When was the last time you heard, or used, the phrase “R & R”? For many of us, R & R, rest and relaxation (rest and recovery in the context of this article), is associated with a luscious getaway in the mountains or a lavish day at the spa. R & R…

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Feel Like Getting Lucky?

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Written by: Sexologist, Dr. Stephen de Wit DHS, MPH, ACSTherapist – Consultant – Speaker With St. Patrick’s Day rapidly approaching us the luck of the Irish is in the air. While finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow would be amazing, so would having a great sex life. Getting lucky is not…

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Exercises to Boost Brain Power

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By Jennifer Dawson Apart from shredding fat and building lean muscles, exercise can also help boost your memory. A study conducted by the University of British Columbia found that engaging in regular exercise can boost the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain involved in long-term memory. Exercise also increases activity in the prefrontal cortex,…

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