Essential Oils – Why We Can’t Get Enough

Essential Oils

By Lisa Greenbaum, E-RYT 500 Our sense of smell is the only direct communication our brain has with the external world. It is precisely why we are instantly transported back in time when different smells waft through the air, warming our hearts with fond memories or sending us into a flashback and kick starting our…

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Don’t Be Held Back by Your Postal Code

A Shift in Perspective

I remember talking to my business coach and sharing with her my big, crazy dream, which was: “I love my fitness studio and my clients but I’d love to live somewhere hot!” (Who doesn’t want to live somewhere hot! Canada can be cold!) She replied, “Why don’t you?” I replied, “When you can miraculously move…

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Do you question the period?

A Shift in Perspective

By Ginette Biro, B. Kin I’d like to invite you to explore what I have come to discover is a missing component of health and fitness. I’m talking specifically about women and menstruation. Right away some of you might think “Oh man I don’t want to hear about this” or “eww… gross”, and yet I…

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Do You Need to Detox

Mom and son

By Dr. B.J. Hardick, D.C. We are bombarded with toxins. Today, over 80,000 chemicals have been registered in America, and every year about 2,000 new ones appear in food, cosmetics, prescription drugs, household cleaners, and other common products.By 2014, the European Chemicals Agency had only registered about 12,600 substances, leaving thousands still to be tested.…

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Budget Friendly Fitness Trackers

Smart Watch

By Lauren Walker Fitness trackers have become a popular way to help you move more, sleep better, and improve your overall health. A definition on gives this explanation of a fitness tracker: “A wrist-worn device that can detect some combination of walking steps, running distance, heart rate, sleep patterns and swimming laps. Fitness bands interact via…

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Beating the Winter Blues

Take a break

Playing hockey on a frozen pond or snowmobiling down a trail is a great way to enjoy winter. It’s a part of being Canadian. While others are out enjoying all that winter has to offer, you may be finding it hard to find the energy. What could be the problem? Believe it or not, Seasonal…

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Beating the Late Winter Slump PLUS Energy Rich Recipe

Cooking at kitchen

Written by: Tosca Reno It’s dark when you get up and dark when you go to bed and it’s been cold for months. Late winter is getting you down. Your butt is dragging. Is there anything to eat to boost energy? Check these strategies for firing up waning energy and get yourself back on track.…

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Are You Getting Enough Vitamin G?

Is It Too Late for a Summer Body

By Rev. Paul Galloro, C-IAYT Minister of Love and Yoga Therapist For as long as humans have existed on this planet, our relationship with the Earth has been one of great importance. Way back in our primal days we spent our entire lives with our bare skin connected to the earth, or connected to a…

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A Sunny Dose of Vitamin D


By Iulia Soerensen, BSC KIN., PTS, FIS, OAS, WaterART Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays has both beneficial and detrimental effects on the health of individuals. The sun is essential for plant growth, it keeps us warm, and it allows our bodies to produce Vitamin D. The detrimental health effects are due to too…

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A Shift in Perspective

A Shift in Perspective

By Laura Warf, B.Ed. McGill (Fitness), canfitpro FIS, MBS, CCF Coach, Reiki, RYT-500 (This article was originally published in canfitpro Magazine November/December 2015) When you consider making a change in any area of your life, do you do so to move away from something you don’t like? Or towards something that you think would serve…

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