Movement of the Month: Single Arm 5 Step Progressive DB Lateral Raise

Banded Posterior Single Arm Shoulder Press

As I sat down to write this, I was quickly reminded at how January and February have just flown by!  Spring is right around the corner and before you know it…the BEST fitness show (in my opinion) in North America, canfitpro 2019 Fitness Convention and Tradeshow, takes place. I’m reminded of this for two reasons.…

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Getting in Shape to Run!


Spring is coming (small jump for joy), which for most of us means a greater number of clients hitting the pavement. As a fitness professional, and an avid runner, I am all for people getting outside to be active. But when it comes to running, I stanchly believe an intelligent, appropriate, and progressive training plan…

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The Secret to Staying Fit: The Couple’s Workout Routine

Couple's Workout

It looks like couples that work out together, stick together. No, really! Research shows that 94% of couples are more likely to stick to a fitness program when they exercise together. Think about it; people are more likely to stick to a workout routine when they have support and camaraderie behind them. And what better…

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Movement of the Month: BOSU T-Drills

Banded Posterior Single Arm Shoulder Press

Whether you are currently participating in winter sports, or if your sport comes up in the summer, now is the season to be training for sport and life! I’d like to incorporate the BOSU ball into today’s lesson.  Back in the day, I used to teach an entire course on its use, and believe me…

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Movement of the Month: COREFX Battle Rope 45-degree Moguls

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With Coach Kennedy We are well into winter at this point, and ski season is underway! Like every season, along with the enjoyment, also come the injuries.  Injuries can be the result of lack of muscular endurance, stability, mobility,  and body awareness to name a few. One way to help prevent injuries and increase your…

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Exercise Modifications to Stay Motivated

Jump! - side view woman jumping for joy in winter

By Claudiu Popa, PTS, OAS Few natural cycles are as predictable as the January gym rush and its inevitable cooling period a few weeks later. For many professionals, this is a rite of passage. If only there was a way to motivate clients to stick to their workouts for a few more weeks, or spark…

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Movement of the Month: Tackling Plantar Fasciitis

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With Coach Kennedy Unlike most months, when I will introduce you to a new movement, this month I tackle injuries, more specifically plantar fasciitis, how to deal with it on a day to day basis, and how to help you speed up your recovery from it, once you’ve been properly diagnosed.  A proper diagnosis is…

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Winterize Your Workouts

Mother And Children Building Snowman In Garden

By Assata McKenzie How can we make the most of hibernation season, aka winter? Take the Winter Challenge and winterize your next workout! When it’s moderately cold outside, we can take on the challenge of outdoor workouts that we don’t necessarily have access to in the summer months. Fight the temptation to say indoors and…

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Top 10 Canadian fitness trends for 2019

Woman Workout at gym

TORONTO, ON – December 12, 2018 – Canadians crave practical workouts, according to an annual survey of fitness professionals, conducted by Canada’s fitness education leader, canfitpro. Functional Fitness reigns as the #1 Fitness Trend for the second year in a row recognizing that people not only want to look better but need to be able…

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Movement of the Month: Crossover Lunge to Curtsey Lunge

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With Coach Kennedy “How did you pick your exercise for the movement of the month,” my wife Natasha asks, “is it because of the Royal Family? I always think of them when I do my curtseys.” That’s cute. For almost a year now, she’s been working on her “transformation”. She’s put her effort, time, and…

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