Top Five Diet Myths


Myth 1 Fasting makes you lose weight FactIn the short term, you will experience weight loss by fasting; however, depriving yourself of nutritious food actually impedes on weight loss as it not only removes fat, but also lean muscle and tissue. When you lose muscle mass, you decrease your basal metabolic rate, which is the…

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Planning a Vegan Diet to Optimize Performance

10 Foods to Get Your Glow On

By Stephanie Hnatiuk RD, CDE, PTS Vegan and vegetarian diets used to have a bad rap when it came to supporting the nutrition needs of athletes. When it comes to optimizing performance though, there are actually many plant foods that can do the job. While we now know that plant-based diets can fuel even the…

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Eating Clean On A Budget

eat apple

By:Tosca Reno Many think Eating Clean is expensive.Somehow the concept of eating fresh, wholesome foods conjures up the idea that it is going to cost more and that the added expense will interfere with your budgetary bottom line. Many of us have suffered plenty of financial strain lately so it should make you sigh with…

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Brush up on nutrition habits


(NC)—Canadians practice bad habits on a daily basis. Often, these habits have been so ingrained into our routines that we rarely think twice about what we’re actually doing and how it affects our health. Dr. Janet Tamo, a consulting dentist for Crest and Oral-B, along with registered dietician, Christine Asik, teamed up recently to discuss…

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UpBeet Energy Drink

Man is making smoothie

Juicing is a great way to get all your vitamins and minerals in one shot. Even though juicing can be beneficial it may also increase your blood sugar levels due to loss of fibre from the fruits and vegetables. Those with blood sugar issues or diabetes should avoid juicing sweet fruits and vegetables as it…

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TRG’s Purple Power Shake

TRG’s Purple Power Shake

Ingredients: 1 frozen banana – in chunks (peel ripe bananas, cut into bite size pieces, and freeze until needed) 1 cup frozen blueberries 1-2 fresh kiwis or ¾ cup pineapple or strawberries or chopped pears ½ cup soy, rice, almond, coconut, or organic milk ½ cup freshly squeezed orange juice or try RW Knudsen’s black…

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Super “Milk” Shake

Super "Milk" Shake

I like to think that there are always alternatives, particularly when it comes to food, mainly because we have to consume it in order to survive. So why not make the most of it? Nutritious and delicious, this “milk” shake is packed with goodness and without the added sugars, fillers, hormones and inflammatory properties we…

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Smoothie in a bowl Recipe

Smoothie in a bowl

Did you know that quinoa is related to species such as beetroot, spinach and tumbleweeds? It is gluten free and a complete protein. It is also a good source of magnesium and iron. Magnesium contributes to energy production, proper functioning of muscles, and arteries. Iron is required for protein and enzyme production, especially hemoglobin. Buckwheat…

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Leaping Leprechaun Smoothie Recipe

Man is making smoothie

I love this smoothie and enjoy it on the days I feel like I just didn’t eat as well as I should have the day before! It gives me the energy to feel like a Leaping Leprechaun with the vitamins and minerals I need to keep me going all day! The best part is, I…

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Dragon Slayer Smoothie Recipe

Man is making smoothie

A post workout power-house smoothie with alkaline sustenance, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune boosting nutrients and infused with recovery enhancers.. Ingredients: 1 small banana frozen cubes (approx 3/4 cup) 1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple, cubed (contains bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties) 1 cup frozen blueberries (antioxidant rich) 1 large leaf kale, roughly torn (approximately 1…

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