Straight Talk About Iron: What Women Need to Know


Iron is vital for women’s health, yet it’s rarely top of mind. Many of the women in your fitness class are likely unaware of the vital role that iron plays in optimizing health. Beyond the basics about iron, which I’ve written about before, here are the top three things to know about iron and women’s…

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The COVID-19 Food Advice Your Clients Are Craving

The COVID-19 Food Advice Your Clients Are Craving

Plexiglass, masks, hand sanitizer… COVID-19 has changed how Canadians shop, cook, and eat. And, while panic buying has subsided, other challenges have persisted. Here are three ways to help your clients and participants eat healthier in pandemic times, including hot topics and helpful advice you can share. PROVIDE “BASIC” NUTRITION ADVICE. HOT TOPICS: IMMUNE HEALTH, STRESS EATING…

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Meat and Mental Health

Meat and Mental Health

As the pandemic raises awareness about mental health, many Canadians are asking how diet can help. Scientists have long pondered the connection between food and mood. New to the discussion is a ‘study of studies’ from a global report that reviewed 18 studies showing meat eaters have lower risks for depression and anxiety than non-meat…

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Facts, Not Fear

Fruit and vegetable

With worries about our health and the economy running high during this COVID-19 crisis, your clients do not need more concerns to add to their list. Knowing the facts about pesticides can help to ease their minds and help them focus on the health benefits of eating plenty of vegetables and fruit, such as supporting…

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Eating and Working from Home During COVID-19: How to Eat Mindfully

Eating and Working from Home During COVID-19

It seems like everywhere I look on social media there has been some discussion or meme about the ‘quarantine 15,’ which is essentially referring to gaining weight while practicing physical distancing. This new way of living creates a variety of challenges, including easy access to your fridge and pantry all day long while working from…

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Busting Food Myths

woman at marketplace buying vegetables

1. MYTH: Cooking meals at home just takes too much time. With longer commute times than ever before, it seems like we have less and less time to cook. But, the truth is, that in the time it takes to have a pizza delivered, you can put together a great meal in your kitchen. Here…

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Protein Peanut Butter Powder Cookies


Even if you decide to achieve your fitness goals and eat healthier, that doesn’t mean you have to completely give up indulging in a sweet treat every now and again. Sure, having a sugar-packed chocolate bar every day isn’t going to do you any favors if you’re trying to watch your diet, but cutting it…

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PB Cookie Protein Bites

PB Cookie Protein Bites square

When you’re in a rush and you don’t have all that much time to whip up a quick meal to have on-the-go, it’s crucial to have healthy snacks readily available. This is especially important if you’re trying to achieve any particular fitness goals, considering snacking between meals can majorly jeopardize your progress. However, that still…

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Clients Feeling Zapped of Energy?


By Carol Harrison, RD Iron is needed to carry oxygen to our cells. Restrict the amount of oxygen to our cells, and it’s easy to see why going all out in a workout, (or even mustering up enough energy to get there in the first place), can be a challenge for your fitness participants and…

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Essentials of Winter Nutrition With Dee Miller


PRO TRAINER Dee Miller discusses the importance of eating healthy in the winter, as well as the vitamins and nutrients you need. Plus, some great foods that you should try! In this episode 2:00 –  Challenges with eating healthy in the winter 3:00 – The best foods to eat in the winter that you can…

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