Protein: A Food-First Approach  

Protein: A Food-First Approach  

By Carol Harrison, RD Protein is the hot nutrient of the day; but just how much do you need, and can you easily achieve that through food alone? Health professionals agree a food-first approach to protein is both possible and preferable. Here’s how you can pull that off. And the clincher? It tastes a whole…

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Belly Bloating: Doc Shares What To Eat And What To Avoid

Belly Bloating

By Dr. Niket Sonpal Regardless of weight or body type, it’s common to see some belly bloat. The foods we choose, how we’re digesting and simply the air we’re swallowing, can all add up to feeling and looking bloated. To help us keep our bellies as bloat free as possible, is Dr. Niket Sonpal, Adjunct…

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Nutrition: Optimize Long-Term Health and Longevity

Happy family with child and shopping cart buying food at grocery store

By Bruce Mylrea At, we are passionate and committed to providing simple, useful, evidence based tools to improve nutrition and health. When attempting to change behavior as it relates to food and nutrition, one of the most effective tools has proven to be the traditional food log – “If you bite it, you write…

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Popcorn lovers rejoice – October is National Popcorn Poppin’ Month

National Popcorn Poppin’ Month

By Teri Gentes It’s a proverbial snack for movie watchers, along with those watching their weight, and this air popped creation made with only five ingredients is popcorn perfection. It’s ever so easy, oh so yummy, and it delivers essential nutrients too. Like all my recipes, you can adapt it to meet your own taste…

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What’s healthier, grass-fed or grain-fed beef?

grain-fed beef

By Carol Harrison, RD All beef is naturally nutrient-rich, high in iron, zinc, B vitamins, and hunger-curbing protein; but how are grass-fed and grain-fed beef different, and is one more nutritious than the other? Bottom line: the nutrition differences are arguably not significant enough to make a marked difference in your overall health. After weaning,…

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Healthy Hydrating: Drinking Container Hygiene

Female runner tying her shoe next to bottle of water.

By Assata McKenzie I once had a client that complained about drinking water. Let’s call her Elle. Elle said she really didn’t enjoy drinking water during or even after our workout sessions because she didn’t like the taste. She explained that she didn’t feel refreshed after consuming water and she hated the smell of her…

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‘Empty Your Fridge’ Veggie Stock

‘Empty Your Fridge’ Veggie Stock

By Angela Wallace, MSc, RD Do you ever buy veggies with great intentions and recipes in mind? Do these veggies ever sit in your fridge for way too long and start to go bad? Before wasting your veggies, give this recipe a taste. Empty all your veggies into the slow cooker and let the magic…

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‘Over Ripe and Almost Bad’ Berry Jam Recipe

‘Over Ripe and Almost Bad’ Berry Jam

By Angela Wallace, MSc, RD Do you ever buy berries with great intentions of eating them, but they sit too long in your fridge and start to look unappetizing? Before you throw those berries out, I encourage you to try this delicious and simple chia seed jam. Chia seed jam is a healthy spin on…

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5 Ways to Reduce Food Waste

Food Waste

By Angela Wallace, MSc, RD We have a food waste problem in Canada, and it’s a huge one. So huge that it’s referred to as a $31-billion-dollar problem. Across Canada, we are wasting $31 billion dollars of food, which is 40% of food purchased yearly…..almost half! In addition, research has suggested that we are wasting…

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Top Five Tips for Eating Clean

Eating Clean

By Tosca Reno Eating Clean® is a lifestyle where you learn (or relearn) the basics of how to feed yourself, and in so doing, manage weight and wellness holistically. Eat clean, whole, nutrient dense, minimally processed, well-sourced, properly prepared foods and make a dramatic return to your best health.Eating Clean® means eating loads of plants,…

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